Infinite Sequences in JavaScript
Experiments with ES6 generators
JavaScript comes with most of the little functional tools you need to work on finite sequences that are usually implemented using Arrays. Array.prototype includes a number of methods like map() and filter() that apply a given function to all items of the Array and return the resulting new Array.
[1, 2, 3].map(x => x + 1); // result: [2, 3, 4];
These tools however are not a good fit for infinite sequences as they always consume the whole sequence at once to return a new one. Implementing infinite sequences by yourself means you would have to come up with your own API that clients need to adhere to. You often would keep state variables whose values need to be maintained for the duration of the computation process.
Generators to the rescue
Using ES6 generators implementing the infinite sequence of all natural numbers turns out to be a trivial task. We even have language support to iterate over them.
function* nat() {
let i = 1;
while (true) {
yield i++;
for (let num of nat()) {
// prints 1 2 3 4 ...
Now that we have a first infinite set we need a couple of functions that help us working with, combining, and building new sequences.
Let us start with map() - a function at the very heart of functional programming. It builds a new sequence by applying a function to all elements of a given sequence.
function* map(it, f) {
for (let x of it) {
yield f(x);
Using the generator implementation of map() we can now easily write a function called squares() that represents the set of squares of all natural numbers (1², 2², 3², …, n²).
function squares() {
return map(nat(), x => x * x);
for (let num of squares()) {
// prints 1 4 9 16 ...
As we are using for…of we can also pass an Array to map() to retrieve a new generator with a finite source. The given function is applied to value after value instead of to all values at once when using
let squares = map([1, 2, 3], x => x * x);
for (let num of squares) {
// prints 1 4 9
Another common task is filtering specific values from a sequence. Our custom implementation of filter() takes an iterator and a predicate - the returned sequence will consist of all items of the original one for which the predicate holds.
function* filter(it, f) {
for (let x of it) {
if (f(x)) {
yield x;
We can now use filter() to create the set of all even natural numbers.
function even() {
return filter(nat(), x => x % 2 === 0);
for (let num of even()) {
// prints 2 4 6 8 ...
A common derivation from filter() is filterNot() that simply negates the given predicate. We can use that to implement even() as well.
function filterNot(it, f) {
return filter(it, x => !f(x));
function even() {
return filterNot(nat(), x => x % 2);
Mersenne primes
Suppose we were to implement a sequence that represents all Mersenne prime numbers. Mersenne primes are defined as prime numbers of the form Mn = 2n - 1, that is the set of all numbers of the given form that have no positive divisors other than 1 and themselves. The set of Mersenne primes is assumed to be infinite though this remains unproven, yet.
Let us first define some helper functions. range(from, to) and forall() are common helpers in functional programming languages. range() returns the set of natural numbers in a given range. forall() returns whether the given predicate holds for all items in the sequence and should therefore only be used for finite sequences.
function* range(lo, hi) {
while (lo <= hi) {
yield lo++;
function forall(it, f) {
for (let x of it) {
if (!f(x)) {
return false;
return true;
mersenneNumbers() is the set of all numbers of the form Mn = 2n - 1. isPrime() is a very simple and naive (and slow) primality checker that returns whether the given candidate is divisible by any of the numbers in the range of [2, candidate - 1]. We will use isPrime() as a filter to remove all non-prime numbers from mersenneNumbers().
function mersenneNumbers() {
return map(nat(), x => Math.pow(2, x + 1) - 1);
function mersennePrimes() {
function isPrime(n) {
return forall(range(2, n - 1), x => n % x);
return filter(mersenneNumbers(), isPrime);
for (let mprime of mersennePrimes()) {
// prints 3 7 31 127 ...
As a last example we will implement a function that flattens nested sequences.
function* flatten(it) {
for (let x of it) {
if (typeof(x[Symbol.iterator]) == "function") {
yield* flatten(x);
} else {
yield x;
Note that using for…of comes in handy again as we can use it to iterate over Arrays and generators. Using flatten() we can now do:
let it = flatten([1, [2, 3], [[4], [5]]]);
for (let num of it) {
// prints 1 2 3 4 5
Combining flatten() and map() to flatMap() we can implement another very common function that flattens the result of applying a given function to all items of a sequence. Let us use it to re-build the set of all natural numbers from the set of all even natural numbers.
function flatMap(it, f) {
return flatten(map(it, f));
let it = flatMap(even(), x => [x - 1, x]);
for (let num of it) {
// prints 1 2 3 4 ...
Generators are powerful
It is quite obvious that studying ES6 generators really repays. Thanks to Andy Wingo these are available in the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome. They will be in the toolbox of every professional JavaScript developer soon and I am sure we can count on the community to come up with lots of great uses and libraries.